3 Crucial Steps To Take After Year-End Gifts Are In
Every new year, organizations are in a mad dash to enter year-end gifts and close out the previous fiscal to show big, shiny RESULTS! Before we all run to celebrate another stellar fiscal close, here are a few steps to ensure proper end-of-year reporting and planning.
First, take time to analyze your year-end appeals. This allows you to determine if your appeals were successful and if you want to reintegrate them into your yearly plan, revise and tweak the areas that didn´t work, or discard them and start from scratch. I´m a big fan of the SWOT analysis to make sure that all my i´s are dotted and t´s are crossed. (Here´s a great template and article on how to conduct a SWOT.) It´s never too early to start planning ahead. Before you know it, the end of the year will be at our doorstep once more.
Second, spend some time reviewing benchmarks and the metrics you are using to determine success. These may need some revising or updating. This is a great time to make sure your metrics make sense for the current climate of your organization and that they fall in line with your overall fiscal goals. (Note: It´s always helpful to infuse a little creativity into your strategies and come up with fun and exciting ways to reach your fundraising goals. You can host a creative team brainstorm session or tap your favorite fundraising consultant to put a fresh spin on your yearly planning!)
Last, make sure you are spreading good vibes and kind words regularly. Take a moment to acknowledge the many hardworking staff members, volunteers, and anyone who contributed toward your organization´s mission. This can be in the form of a heartfelt email, a handwritten note, or even a communal shout-out at the next organizational meeting or function. Studies have shown that expressing gratitude in the workplace contributes to stronger team cohesiveness and an increase in overall productivity. This same acknowledgment should be extended to your incredible donors. It´s important to always keep donors top of mind and any thanks should be regularly distributed in a sincere and timely fashion—timely is a key word here.
Listen, everyone is busy these days. I get it. But taking the time to analyze your efforts so you are not wasting precious energy, reviewing your systems to ensure your organization is heading in the right direction and, regularly acknowledging the many helping hands that contribute to your organization´s success should be top priorities. After all, every successful organization depends on regular planning, careful maintenance, and motivated hands and minds to keep the mission moving forward.